So, how much do you know about ATAR? Not much? Then this is an event you or your friends should not miss…
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) score is what is used by students graduating from Australian High Schools when enrolling in University, and is also a factor used in school rankings. It is therefore no surprise that it is an extremely important issue that all parents and high-school kids should know about when heading into their final years.
This event, run by LH Global’s Education Team in conjunction with Mr Bon Zhao, will look at the following points:
- What is ATAR?
- How to calculate ATAR scores in your final year of high school
- What do you need to have successfully finished by the end of your final year of high school in order to graduate?
- Primary misunderstandings between Chinese parents and their child’s study in Australia
- Australian High School Graduation
- How to make a holistic decision of which University to enrol in, considering your scores and interests
- ‘Other’ Higher Education options apart from University
- Q&A
We hope to see you there.